Oh man. Life is pretty unexciting. Kind of saddening.
At least it's my favorite time of the year, present-wise. First comes Hanukkah, then comes Christmas, then comes my birthday. It's like a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am holiday extravaganza! Thankfully, my birthday is far enough from the other two holidays that they are not all lumped together. The only thing that should be lumped together is crab cake. Mmmm crab cake.
I need to do something different with my appearance. I need to switch it up!
Is it winter break yet?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Arghoo Japan.
That's my favorite way to describe how I feel about my current situation in life.
I am so very bored.
I am just realizing how much I enjoy the music of the Dixie Chicks. They are tres talented. They also have SUBSTANCE. I miss Britney Spears. What happened to her?
With Hanukkah in three weeks and Christmas in a little over a month, it is now time to create a Chrismukkah list.
What I Want For Chrismukkah 2007
1. Coach purse (preferably signature one with red stripe)
2. Cute winter hat (so I can be like a snow bunny...except less annoying...or more, depending on your position)
3. Assorted jewelry (anchor necklace, dangly earrings, Chanel shizzzz)
4. Argyle socks
5. iPod (even though my father said no more)
6. DVDs (Six Feet Under, Queer As Folk, The OC seasons 3 and 4...)
7. Cashmere beanie
8. Ugg Mocassins (I swear they're not Ugg-like...or Ugg-ly...)
9. J Crew gift card
10. Urban gift card
That is all for now.
I am so very bored.
I am just realizing how much I enjoy the music of the Dixie Chicks. They are tres talented. They also have SUBSTANCE. I miss Britney Spears. What happened to her?
With Hanukkah in three weeks and Christmas in a little over a month, it is now time to create a Chrismukkah list.
What I Want For Chrismukkah 2007
1. Coach purse (preferably signature one with red stripe)
2. Cute winter hat (so I can be like a snow bunny...except less annoying...or more, depending on your position)
3. Assorted jewelry (anchor necklace, dangly earrings, Chanel shizzzz)
4. Argyle socks
5. iPod (even though my father said no more)
6. DVDs (Six Feet Under, Queer As Folk, The OC seasons 3 and 4...)
7. Cashmere beanie
8. Ugg Mocassins (I swear they're not Ugg-like...or Ugg-ly...)
9. J Crew gift card
10. Urban gift card
That is all for now.
happy happy joy joy,
me me me,
the rich and the famous
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Waiting On The World To Change
This is not a political statement. I am referring to my own world.
Life is chaotic, as usual. Due dates to adhere to, people to entertain, mental health issues to address...
My roommate is playing with Goldfish. I think she's insane.
I miss the good old days. Grades didn't matter...People weren't so sensitive...Alcohol was a dirty word...What has our world come to?
I need something exciting to happen. Yes, that would be nice.
I hate Sundays.
Life is chaotic, as usual. Due dates to adhere to, people to entertain, mental health issues to address...
My roommate is playing with Goldfish. I think she's insane.
I miss the good old days. Grades didn't matter...People weren't so sensitive...Alcohol was a dirty word...What has our world come to?
I need something exciting to happen. Yes, that would be nice.
I hate Sundays.
Friday, October 5, 2007
We Live With Woe.
I am in a funk. How exciting!
I like to cuddle up in my bed and listen to emo music. Does that make me strange? Probably.
I want something exciting to happen. But, alas, Towson is oh so boring. I can't even get up the motivation to go to a silly frat party. I can, however, get up the motivation to drink Franzia. Mmmm. Franzia.
Shabbat Shalom!!
I like to cuddle up in my bed and listen to emo music. Does that make me strange? Probably.
I want something exciting to happen. But, alas, Towson is oh so boring. I can't even get up the motivation to go to a silly frat party. I can, however, get up the motivation to drink Franzia. Mmmm. Franzia.
Shabbat Shalom!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Before I Run Far Away, I Need To Take a Holiday.
Life is oh so stressful. Too many synapses firing at once. Too many thoughts.
I am reading a book that is soon to be one of my favorite books of all time. It is called "Eat, Pray, Love." It chronicles this woman's journey to discover pleasure, spirituality, and a way to balance the two. She travels to Italy for pleasure, India for spirituality, and Indonesia to find the balance. I am this close to moving to India and living on an Ashram for a week. Just for funzies.
On a more realistic note, I am looking into where I'm going for my semester abroad. Italy is currently at the top of my list. I cannot wait for that pizza the author oh so lovingly describes that can only be found in Naples. Mmmm. Pizza.
My brain hurts.
Chag Sameyah!!
I am reading a book that is soon to be one of my favorite books of all time. It is called "Eat, Pray, Love." It chronicles this woman's journey to discover pleasure, spirituality, and a way to balance the two. She travels to Italy for pleasure, India for spirituality, and Indonesia to find the balance. I am this close to moving to India and living on an Ashram for a week. Just for funzies.
On a more realistic note, I am looking into where I'm going for my semester abroad. Italy is currently at the top of my list. I cannot wait for that pizza the author oh so lovingly describes that can only be found in Naples. Mmmm. Pizza.
My brain hurts.
Chag Sameyah!!
college life,
happy happy joy joy,
me me me,
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I Love A Boy Named Jesse, But Jesse Doesn't Love Me Back.
Oh what a tangled web we weave. Life is so dramatic.
On a lighter note, Britney spears has officially destroyed her career. It saddens me deeply. She was given a chance to redeem herself, and failed miserably. She used to be my hero. She had abs every girl wanted, and most straight men would have gladly had their way with her. I miss her.
Things That Are Currently Grinding My Gears:
1. My English professor
2. The fact that I haven't read Antigone yet and we'll probably have a quiz tomorrow
3. Everybody
4. My achy jaw
5. My life
Crushes are the bane of my existence.
On a lighter note, Britney spears has officially destroyed her career. It saddens me deeply. She was given a chance to redeem herself, and failed miserably. She used to be my hero. She had abs every girl wanted, and most straight men would have gladly had their way with her. I miss her.
Things That Are Currently Grinding My Gears:
1. My English professor
2. The fact that I haven't read Antigone yet and we'll probably have a quiz tomorrow
3. Everybody
4. My achy jaw
5. My life
Crushes are the bane of my existence.
college life,
me me me,
the rich and the famous
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Best Years Of My Life - Oh My God, I Hope Not. Let's go.
I'm back at school for my Sophomore year. Summer was good...Long, but good. I travelled to Israel, Mexico, California, Michigan and New York. I was named Sarah Leah, and I had my bat mitzvah in Jerusalem. A lot of stuff happened, but I'm glad to have returned to Towson. I'm quite discombobulated for some reason unbeknownst to me...I only went to two days of classes this past week because I had to have my wisdom teeth removed. What fun that was. That could be the reason for my scatteredness...With the return of school comes the return of drama, which adds to my uneasiness. Maybe I just need a little crushy crush. A healthy one, this time. Maybe. Doubt it. I suck at life.
Things I need to get done:
1. Get an add/drop form for DVMT 110
2. Make sure I'm caught up
3. Heal
4. Get a power supply thingie for my printer
5. Figure out what's wrong with my damn laptop
6. Sort out my life
Oh dear.
Things I need to get done:
1. Get an add/drop form for DVMT 110
2. Make sure I'm caught up
3. Heal
4. Get a power supply thingie for my printer
5. Figure out what's wrong with my damn laptop
6. Sort out my life
Oh dear.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Believe. Baltimore's motto. I am in fact a B-more girl now. But here I am. Back at "home". There are quotes because it is not the house I would like to call my home. But alas, my mother has abandoned me and moved across the country. Bitch. Monday and Tuesday are my last two finals, and then I'm free for a whole NIGHT until I go to California. Get me while you can. Because after California, I have three days before I go to Israel. Where I will find my religious self for ten whole days. THEN I am home for good. Despite the fact that I am going to be all over the world in a couple days, this is probably the longest I have ever been home. It's kind of exciting.
Things I Need to Get Done Before Israel
1. Practice for my finals
2. Go shopping
3. Get a Hepatitis shot
4. See at least a good portion of my friends
5. Learn some Hebrew
6. Pick out a Hebrew name
Yay! El fin.
Things I Need to Get Done Before Israel
1. Practice for my finals
2. Go shopping
3. Get a Hepatitis shot
4. See at least a good portion of my friends
5. Learn some Hebrew
6. Pick out a Hebrew name
Yay! El fin.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
We Are Approaching the End
Only a month left of my freshman year of college. What a year it has been. Ups and downs. Beers and tears. As I approach the end of the semester, I am nearing my trip to Israel. I am very excited for this trip, as you may have guessed. In fact, a psychic I went to even said that I would travel this summer, and that I would meet lots of new people. How exciting. She also said that I would be engaged in the next two years. That one might be a little harder to achieve. Goodie. Life is chaotic. Time is passing. What to do, what to do. I have so much to do, yet I remain so bored. What a life I lead.
Things to Do This Summer
1. Get a job
2. Make lots of money
3. Get a tan in Israel
4. Get my license (I should really get on that)
5. Have the best summer ever
Live life. Be free. Have fun.
Things to Do This Summer
1. Get a job
2. Make lots of money
3. Get a tan in Israel
4. Get my license (I should really get on that)
5. Have the best summer ever
Live life. Be free. Have fun.
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Wonder Years
Hmm...I see that no one reads this. That's a pity. Even I've lost interest. I've been too busy utilizing the fruits of my growing a year older (presents, duh). I have quite a nice haul, indeed. Designer tid-bits and DVDs galore. Scrubs is my new fave. Alas, my dinner with my mother and sister didn't go as planned this past Friday night. My sister and her friend had an elaborate plan including bar hopping and culminating with Sonar. Unfortunately, yours truly forgot her ID yet again. I think I have a problem. Dinner was fun of course, because I love my mommy and sister, but it shortly went downhill. I went to my sister's apartment for a night of drinking orange juice in completely legal establishments and promptly passed out. While I was in another world, my sister and her friends went clubbing. Hm. Now, clubbing isn't my thing, exactly. I'm not one to touch the ground and stick my butt in the air as an attempt at dancing (Christ no, I'm not nearly good enough to do that). I just think that maybe creepy older men would've been a better alternative than being passed out on my sister and her boyfriend's bed (SINNERS). Well, the big day isn't until tomorrow. There's lots of time to celebrate. As I see it, this birthday is an end to my childhood years. Eighteen is, in fact, legal, but nineteen seems oh so much older. Just ask Humbert Humbert! Nineteen year olds are no longer jail bait - they are real live adults. Poor Humbert. I am too old. As I say au revoir to my golden years, I welcome adulthood with open arms. Maybe a Chanel purse isn't too far off in the future. Oh yeah, and a husband. Woot! Peace and harmony, loves.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I Am So Hip It Hurts.

I have just finished perusing my favorite purse lover website, The Purse Forum. It is muy fabuloso. I can drool over other people's Chanel bags that I can never afford even in my wildest dreams. Well, maybe in my wildest dreams. Anything can happen when you're tripped up on Tylenol PM. Mmmmm. Anyway, the beginning of the year hasn't been too eventful for me. For Britney Spears, unfortunately, she's just going downhill. I'll miss her. Don't pass out in clubs for God's sake, Britney! It's just not proper. But I still love her. My obsession with celebrities has gotten my mother angry. While doing my usual reading of Pinkisthenewblog.com, I came across "Cobrasnake," which I had already seen the name of on pictures of Mickey Avalon, my favorite glam rapper. Well, maybe the only glam rapper. He is way fabulous. Anyway, it turns out Cobrasnake is like this pseudonym for this photographer who some how manages to get really detrimental pictures of celebrities and their bitches. I was looking through his pictures, and ended up looking him up on Wikipedia. It said something about his intern, Cory Kennedy, who is a very young fashionista he happens to be dating. I googled her of course, and came across her blog. After cyberstalking her for a while, I have accurately absorbed her sense of fashion. What I didn't know about California was that the real party hoppers, the real fashionistas, the real "it girls," were simple unknown (to most) teenage girls. And they don't wear the Primp sweatsuits purchased at Kitson like Paris Hilton. Oh, no. They are scenesters. REAL scenesters. I was reading Cory Kennedy's blog and noticed her namedropping a dozen times at least. Oh yeah, I invited L.L. to the club and then we hung out (Lindsay Lohan). M. Barton was there. P. Hilton and Nicky blah blah blah. So there's this whole portion of L.A. that isn't clad in Lisa Kline, but rather in a mix of thrift store and couture. It's pretty interesting, when you think about it. These are the real people of the L.A. party scene. Professional partiers. Even Mischa Barton's barely legal little sister! Sheesh. All these realizations have gotten me knackered.
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