Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Relax - Take It Easy.

I don't think it's any surprise to any of my readers (reader, really) that I have severe anxiety. My brain likes to grab at anything that even remotely resembles an issue and hang onto it for as long as possible. Even if nothing is actually wrong, my brain will go over the past few hours, days, weeks and find something to be anxious about. I feel anxious before I can even find something to be anxious about. It's like the age old question: Which came first, the anxiety or the conflict?

Recently, I've been feeling slightly more calm (KNOCK ON WOOD). It's exhilarating! Go through my posts and I challenge you to find ONE that states something such as this. This is good news!

It's a little bothersome that it took me so long to feel at peace. However, better late than never.

I've finally come to realize that a) things aren't that serious, b) there's no point in freaking out unless there is an actual reason to, and c) life's too short to worry all the time.

Don't worry, be happy.

1 comment:

Rebs said...

bobby darrin knows best. Food helps me relax too. Food is always a great catalyst for calm.